Active Campaigns
Completed Campaigns
Double your impact: every gift will be matched, $1 for $1, through 6/30 up to $100,000!
Think your gift doesn't matter? Think again! Every gift counts, every student benefits. Why your gift matters. Purpose\. Passion. Integrity. Williston's mission is to inspire students to explore their purpose and passions with integrity. Every year, gifts to the Williston Northampton Fund go to...
Reunion Weekend
Join us on campus for Reunion 2024, June 7-9, for a weekend of reconnecting, reminiscing, and rediscovering with your classmates and friends! We will be celebrating the classes ending in 4’s and 9’s, but as always, all alumni are welcome to attend. We can’t wait to welcome you to campus! View the...
Founders Day—Thank you!
What did Williston Build in you (or your student)? This Founders Day, make a gift and build it forward to support our students and faculty. Then share what Williston Builds in you (or your student!)—download the Wildcat sign, take a photo, and tag us @willistonns on social!
Reunion Weekend
Join us on campus for Reunion 2023, June 9-11, for a weekend of reconnecting, reminiscing, and rediscovering with your classmates and friends! We will be celebrating the classes ending in 3’s and 8’s, but as always, all alumni are welcome to attend. We can’t wait to welcome you to campus! View the...
Founders Day!
Give Together. Build Opportunities. Founders Day is Williston's annual day of giving! Make your gift* *this Founders Day to the Williston Northampton Fund by credit card, Apple/Google Pay, Venmo, or PayPal. With your gift, you can unlock special challenges for Williston's DEIB initiatives, the...
Williston Northampton Fund 2021-2022
Every year, gifts to the Williston Northampton Fund go to work immediately, directly supporting the people and programs that make a Williston Northampton School education transformative. Your gift to the Williston Northampton Fund IS a gift to Williston Builds: The Campaign for Our Community. When...
Win a faculty cameo!
You know better than anyone how amazing Williston’s faculty are...and they miss you! Want to reconnect, have some fun, and make a difference? Here’s your chance! When you make a gift of any amount to the Williston Northampton Fund between now and June 10, you'll be entered to win a Cameo video...
Founders Day—Williston's day of giving!
Williston Northampton Fund 2020-2021
Every year, gifts to the Williston Northampton Fund go to work immediately, directly supporting the people and programs that make a Williston Northampton School education transformative. This year, the school has already invested more than $2.3 million to promote a healthy and safe environment and...
Williston Academy Class of 1971 - 50th Reunion gift
Founders Day—THANK YOU!

Williston Senior Parent #GivingTuesday Challenge: TOGETHER AS ONE FOR 2021!
On GivingTuesday (December 1, 2020), a senior parent offered to match all gifts, dollar for dollar, up to $50,000! It's not too late to make your gift through December 31, 2020. Please join them in making a gift to the Williston Northampton Fund. Honor a teacher, coach, advisor, or dorm parent with...
Williston Northampton Fund
The Williston Northampton Fund provides critical operating support to the school. With a budgeted goal for this year of $2.175 million, the school relies on contributions from alumni, families, and friends to meet our goal by June 30, 2020. Together, gifts provide financial aid to more than 40% of...
Founders Day: Our Annual Day of Giving
This Founders Day marks our 5th annual day of giving and celebrates our school's founders whose generosity and investment made our campus, programs, and education possible. Please join us and help us reach our ambitious goal of 1,500 supporters which will unlock $100,000 for the Williston...