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Trinity-Pawling School

Pawling, NY

$6,694,022 raised by 5,534 supporters since 2019

Founded in 1907, Trinity-Pawling School is an all-boys college preparatory school located in Pawling, New York. We serve 300 boys in grades 7-12 and offer a postgraduate program. Our beautiful 230-acre campus is situated just 60 miles north of New York City. The dynamic learning environment at Trinity-Pawling emphasizes innovation, creativity, critical thinking, and a commitment to experiential learning. With 90% of faculty living on campus, our students learn and grow in a close-knit and caring community. They are guided by dedicated teachers who are also their coaches and dorm parents, establishing strong faculty-student collaboration that provides 24/7 learning.

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Trinity-Pawling School
Business Office, 700 Route 22, Pawling, NY 12564
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