Ryan Rogers Samaritan Fund
The Rogers Family has established a scholarship fund that will be a perpetual living testament to their son Ryan’s short but unforgettable life.
Ryan was destined to be enveloped by Mercy. He attended a Mercy college and found not only a professional home at Saint Joseph’s, another Mercy college, but a community that supported and walked with him when his cancer returned. Ryan led a rare centered life with inner strength that led others to do the same. He walked by faith, and from his faith he drew assurance and resolve, living joyfully in every moment and enjoying every person with whom he came in contact. He was a true prayer warrior, and he gently led many people to join him in that spiritual discipline. And because Ryan was of similar mind with Mercy founder, Catherine McAuley, who said: “Let us pray well and never get weary of doing what is good,” this thought will guide Saint Joseph’s College as it seeks to assist the Rogers family in creating a suitable legacy for Ryan at Saint Joseph’s College.
The Ryan Rogers Samaritan/Student Success Scholarship Fund will benefit students who are tirelessly committed to doing good for others, as demonstrated by the parable of the Good Samaritan found in the Gospel of Luke, and as demonstrated by Ryan during his life.