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Community Rising


Supporters across the USA

Supporters (605)

All (605)
Aaron Asaro
The Monk Way
Abbie Sevigny
Agnes & Dennis Farrell
Alan and Robin Lapoint
Alex Therriault
Alexandra Moore
Allison Viger
Proud to be the mom of a soon to be St Joe's Alum! Keep up the great work class of 2024! You're almost there!
Allison Viger
In honor of The amazing Class of 2024!
Best wishes to the Class of 2024 in all your future endeavors! May your impact on the world be significant!
Allison Yochum
Allyson McGinn
Amelia Benedict
Andrea Nansteel
Andree McManus-Jaehnig
This donation is in the request of our son, Christopher Joseph Jaehnig aka CJ , in lew of a graduation gift for himself , a graduate of the class of 2024 in appreciation of The Sisters of Mercy’s service & commitment to the vows they’ve taken to serve those in need. MONKS FOR LIFE! This giift will be an annual gift from our family in a commitment to The Sister of Mercy’s mission. We only hope it will make a difference in the lives of The Sister of Mercy’s mission.
Andrew Vaughan
Ann Rosenfield
Anna Brookes
Anna Falasca
I give because I love the SJC community, and the peer mentor program!
Anna Lizotte
My son graduated at Saint Joseph's in 2011, great college and close to home.
Anna Marie McCrohan
Arlene Schweitzer
Arthur Borduas
Barbara Berninghausen
Barbara Brann-Weir
Barbara Burlingame
Barbara Cassidy Foundation
Barbara Cichocki-Halle
Barbara Deveau
Barbara Hufford
Barbara Lajoie
Barbara McClary
Barbara Paxson
Barbara Sieminski
Barbara Williams
Becky Pingree
Saint Joseph's has been a wonderful experience for our daughter!
Becky Thompson
SJC supports the community
Benjamin Chaddock
Bernadette H. F. Metzler
Bernice Bradin
Bernice E Bradin
Everyone is so dedicated to the SJC community. Keep up the good work
Beth Ann Simno
Beth Yochum
Bettina Aiello
Bob Chaddock
Bob Zilg
Bogdan Golja
Brady Smith
Brenda Downey
Brenda Whiting Beard
Brett O'Kelly
In memory of Pam Aliberti, Class of 1965
Pam's compassion and kindness to all that she surrounded will be missed! Thank you for your many years of supporting the Alumni Board, Saint Joseph's College community, and most importantly friendship. May you rest in peace.
Brett OKelly
Brigitte Paine
Brooks Rothermel
Go Monks!
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Weaver
Budget Document Technology
Cameron Leeds
Camilla Bridge
As a faculty member, I see first hand how a St. Joe's education gives students the tools, confidence, and moral compass to become positive change-makers in communities that need them so much. We make the world a better place, one student at a time. <3
Camille Vollaro
Capt. David McCarthy
Carl Howell
Carla Savino
In honor of RoseMarie & John Taliento
Carmen Corbett
Carol Lachance, RSM
The world needs a place like SJC with it’s mission and values to educate present and future leaders whether it be in health care, education, business, etc…
Carol LeTourneau, RSM
Carol Sadler
Carol Strobeck
Carole Luce
Caroline Golja
Carolyn Painter
Catherine Beniers
Catherine Deans
Catherine Francoeur
Catherine McMahon
Catherine Ryder
Cecilia Martin
Celeste Philibert
I value the education that I received at Saint Joseph's College and hope others have the opportunity to do as well.
Chaia Even-esh
Chelsea Welch
In honor of all the staff in the Office of Advancement for all the hard work they do!
Cheryl Dispenza
Cheryl Fuhrer
Cheryl Michael
Cheryl Wolf
Chris Fuller
Christina Maguire
Christina Maguire
I believe and honor the mission.
Christina Moore
Christine Bartlett
Claire Auger
In honor of Sister Mary Carmel
Much success to St Joseph’s now and in the future!
Claire Kubasik
Colleen Gormley
Collin Coppinger
Connor Dufour
My pleasure
Constance Fourney
Constance Goldman
Constance Jacques
Constance Venskus
Constance and Marcel Gagnon
Corinne Robinson
Craig & Angela Becker
Craig & Angela Becker
Cris Soulia
I give because I can 😀
Cross Financial
Cynthia 80 and Michael Mulhare 79
Cynthia Crimmins
In honor of Joseph Crimmins
Cynthia Fullerton
Dale Brooker
I give because I believe in the Mission of SJC and the difference this community can and has made in people’s lives. 🙏
Dale Brooker
We look forward to the good work of President Cassidy and the Leadership Team as we continue to grow our learning community here @ Saint Joseph’s College of Maine !
Dale Tardif
ST JO’S!!!
Dan McEachin
Daniel Katyl
Go Monks!
Danna Finley
In honor of Kelley F
We are so Proud of you. You are Awesome! Congratulations to your next chapter in life
Darlene Chauvin
David & Kathy Burns
We met there just outside on the lawn between St. Joe's Hall and the coffee house.
David Bouffard
In memory of Sr. Mary Jude Murray
David Herbein
David Lischer
David Mccarthy
In memory of Sister Consuela
David Roussel
David Shick
DeAnn Daigle
In honor of Sr. Simonne Laflamme
Thank you for a wonderful education!
Deanna St Germain
Debra McLaughlin
In memory of Sister Mary Kneeland
Delores Baird
Denise Jenkins
Derek Hall
Derrick Johnson
Diana Scott
Diane Atwood
In honor of Sister Mercedes Hachey
Diane Dow
Diarmaid O'Donoghue
Dick & Carolyn Peterson
Donna Berry
Donna Cole
Donna Crowley
Donna Haley
Donna Hyland
Donna McCarthy
Donna Wilson
Donna Wilson
I give for the wonderful education that I am so grateful for.
Dorothy Regan
Doug Kiley
Dedicated to the Students of Saint Joe's. Thank you for your courage and fortitude. Can't wait until you join the Alumni Association!
Doug Kiley
Dr. Ann Marie Lemire
Dr. Hung Nguyen
Duane Coute
Duane Coute
Dylan VonderHaar
Ed Naratil
Edna Flaherty
Edward Noonan
Edward Rielly
Eileen Ginnetty
God Bless All
Eileen Ginnetty
Eileen Wallenhorst
Eli Moore
Elizabeth Coviello
Elizabeth Hanks-Leonard
Elizabeth Hughes
Elizabeth Mallett
Elizabeth Mallett
Decades after graduation, SJC is still part of the fabric of who I am. Happy 30th Reunion year to the Class of 1994!
Elizabeth Paroli
Elizabeth Schran
In honor of The SJC Faculty - My matching challenge
We thank the faculty and staff for their amazing expression of support for SJC through Giving Day!
Elizabeth Schran
Ellen Long
Ellen Theodores
Emily Lesher
Estate of Edward J Kirk
F. L. Putnam Management Co.
F.L. Putnam Investment Management
F.L. Putnam Securities Company
Finella White
Fr. Francis P. Morin
Frances Prinn
Frances Wiesen
Courage and hope.
Frances Wiesen
What we do matters.
Francis Morin
Franciska Donato
Fred Yochum
Frederick Erdtmann
Proud and grateful to be a graduate.
Garrett VanAtta
Glenn Doran
Glennell Munne
In honor of Joseph Forbes
SJCME was such a life changing experience for me. Carmina Chapp and our course in Rome was transformative.
Glennis Chabot
Gloria Clough
Graeme Thompson
I give because I want to be a MONK someday!
Gregg & Teresa Skinner
St. Joseph continue to pray for us.
Gregory Teegarden
I believe in all that we do at SJC!!
Gretchen Lord
Gweneth Johnson
SJCME is a great school, a diamond in the rough!
Haley Lang
Haley Nason
Haley Thompson
I give because I want to invest in the future of our students and our college.
Haley Thompson
I give because I am so incredibly thankful for the support of my colleagues this Giving Day! A HUGE thank you to all our alumni, parents, students, and friends who showed their love and support for SJC today!! THANK YOU!
Haley Thompson
Haley Thompson
I give in honor of the Sisters of Mercy.
Haley Thompson
I am giving AGAIN because we only need 14 (now 13) gifts in order for Will Rothermel to jump in the lake!! Let's make it happen, Monks!
Heather Mullen
In honor of Pam Aliberti
Pam was a huge advocate and loved all things St Joes.
Heather and Marty Mullen
Helen Small
Henry & Mary Ann Padgett
Howard Kam
In honor of Irene Dickinson, a truly caring and inspirational online faculty member of SJCME. Whose mantra is “As leaders facilitating change, we must be willing to first reckon within so that our external efforts are purposeful and integrated.”
Irene Preuss
Iris Gagne
J. Harold Little
Jackie Wilson
Jacqueline J LeCompte
In honor of Sister Mary George
Excellence in providing a well rounded education and training for achieving career goals! A strong sense of community.
Jacqueline LeCompte
Jake Thibaut
James Durgin
James Kelley
James Paruk
James Tanner
Jane Greer
Janet Hilde
Janice Rey
Janine Allen
Jasen Hutchinson
Jasmyn Watt
Thank you for all you do!
Jason Farley
Jay & Becky Pingree
Jay Pingree
I love the SJC community !
Jean Cremen
Jean Lejoie
Jean MacBride
Jeanne St Amand
I appreciate the ability to attend exercise classes offered to community.
Jeannine Plourde
Jeff & Theresa Moody
Jeff Lake
Jeff Moody
Support the Sisters.
Jennifer Arruda
Jennifer Fitzpatrick
Jennifer Greslick
Jennifer Lafrance
Jennifer Lockerman-Sadeck
Jessica Dionne
In memory of Amy Whitten Herrick
Jill Targett
Jim Pabich
In honor of Ed and Patricia Pabich
Jimmy Riley & Rachel (Pelletier) Riley
We give because SJC has given so much to us, including each other and some of our very best friends.
JoAnn Mower
Joan Boben
Joan Dube
Johan Erikson
John & Lynda Wilson
John & Nancy Sullivan
In honor of Ryan Sullivan
John & Susan Scheinman
John Barbati
John Casey
In honor of Noleen O’Boyle Casey Scholarship for School Nurses
Hope this helps!
John Dooley
In memory of Frances Dooley
John Heffernan
John Kenneally
In honor of Paula McAuliffe
I believe in Saint Joseph's College.
John Zerillo
Joseph Cassidy
Everyone matters at SJC!
Joseph Cassidy
Joseph Gallagher
Joseph Gallagher
Joseph Kilmartin
Joseph Wolfberg
Josephine Alves
Joy Williams
Joyce Kapalko Carroll
Dedicated to the Sisters of Mercy who believed that women could change the world and sent us out to do just that.
Judith Blackmore
Judith Crager
St. Joe’s is a wonderful school and I’m proud to be a graduate of SJCME.
Judith Davis
Judith Tabaroni
Judy Graham
Judy Graham
So proud to be part of this great college!
Julie Rubicine
I loved my time at St. Joe’s and and I’m thankful for the wonderful nursing program that got me where I am today.
June Hoffman
Particularly like supporting nursing programs
June Hoffman
Love the new improved practicum lab for student nurses
Kaitlyn Lovell
Karen Croteau
Karen Dostie
In memory of Joseph and Theresa Dostie (parents)
If it were not for my parents supporting and encouraging me to pursue my education, I would not be experiencing the incredible nursing career that I have. My education at SJC provided me with an incredible foundation to build from.
Karen Riley
Karen Shea
Karli Efron
Rising social work students - keep up the good work!!
Karyn Gilbert
Katherine Rogers
Kathleen Dennis
Kathleen Mulligan
Kathleen Taylor
Kathryn Devaney
Kathryn Thomson
Kelly Webster
Kenneth Allt
In memory of Florence Dussault
A nurse...a mother...and a special human being...
Kerry King
Kevin Howley
Monk for life!
Kimberlee & Richard Powers
Kimberly & Albert Osmanski
Kimberly Folke
I love St Joseph's College of Maine. I am so proud to be an alum of this awesome institution. I am teaching Nursing, which is my lifelong dream, thanks to my MSN degree from SJCOM!
Kirk Ritchie
Kristen Crawford
Kristen Stella
In memory of Jerry Bowes
Kristin Yochum
Kristina Foley Green
Laura Sullivan
Laurie Nagi
Leo J. Mcdermott, Jr.
Leslie Harding
Leslie Hested
Leslie Nee
Lillian Donnelly
I am an alumni and believe in the mission of the school
Linda Geers
Lindsay Drumm
I give because I support the mission of Mercy that SJC keeps alive!
Liz Wiesen
Loretta Decker
Louise Rochette
Lt Col Richard Bailey
Lucas Bernacki
I have seen the SJC community make a positive difference in the world.
Lucille Gendron
Luke Nielson
Such an awesome school and community!
Lynelle Leclair
Lynn Stewart
I worked in development and understand the value in giving back.
Margaret Broadhurst
Margaret Zottoli
Maria Trivellin
Marian Colbert
Mariann Gilbride
To continue to good works of the college
Marie Thibodeau
Am proud to be an SJC alumni!!!
Marjorie Berrier
Marjorie Gallagher
Mark Davis
Mark Duval
Mark Duval
Mark Graham
We love St. Joseph's College of Maine.
Mark Hibben
Mark Russell
In memory of Harriette Weiser Russell
My mother had a good experience at St. Joseph‘s College…
Marsha Solder
Martha Patterson
In honor of Cecilia Court
Received an excellent education
Martina Garifine
Mary & Bernard Bernacki
Mary Alyce Knightly
Mary Ann Green
Mary Anne Wallace
In honor of Helen A. Small
Mary Anne Wood
Mary Bonneau
Mary Ellen Cafiso
I give because Saint Joe's is a special place, full of extraordinary and dedicated people. God Bless the Sisters of Mercy!
Mary Ellen Sansoni
Mary Ellen Wolf
Mary Fasulo
As a Sister of Mercy, it is my fervent desire that St. Joseph’s College of Maine continue as a strong source of education for many future students.
Mary Hoppe-Coakley
To give back for a great education!
Mary Labrecque
Mary Lou Labrecque Labrecque
In honor of Christine M. Labrecque
Mary Lynn Engel
Mary Mahan
In honor of Natalie Powers
Mary Morey
Mary Pat FitzGibbons
Mary Pat FitzGibbons
I was a student there to attain my BS degree after nursing school ('76). I thoroughly enjoyed my time at St Joes. Profoundly affected my life. Thank you.
Mary Reagan
Mary Rowland
I was able to advance my career thanks to my degree
Mary and Bernard Bernacki
Congratulations new President and Continuing Dedicated Faculty and Staff!
MaryAnn Daniele
Maryann Lovelidge
Marybeth McNamee
Matt Thompson
Matthew Ginnetty
In honor of Sister Mary Kneeland
Matthew Hart
Matthew Morse
Matthew Vincent
Maureen O'Rourke
Maureen Reis
Maureen Rickenbacker
Maureen Tevanian
Congratulations to all 2024 graduates of SJC! I give to make a difference in the the world for at least one person and hopefully more.
Maureen Wallace
As a Sister of Mercy and Alum, I know what a great school it is!
Max Cassidy
McKenna Smith
Melissa Coleman
Melissa and Jim Dlugos
Michael Cadotte
As a graduate alumni, I value the education SJCME provided me and and I am proud to pass that along to others so their experience may be the best possible.
Michael Connolly
Michael Griffin
Michael Page
Michael Shea
Michael Theriault
I love seeing students enjoy all SJC has to offer!
Michael Vona & Patricia (Brackett) Vona
In memory of Sister Sylvia Comer, RSM
I give to continue to support Catholic Education
Mike Hay
In memory of John Waldron
Mike Naples
Mike Shea
Mike and Cynthia Mulhare
Millicent Treat
Monique LaRocque
Monique LaRocque
Crossing the finish line and cheering for the polar plunge!!
Monique LaRocque
I believe in SJC!
Mylan Bannon
I believe in SJC!
Naino Leo
Nancy Bateman
Nancy Cabelus
I gave for the future of SJC students.
Nancy Clayman
In memory of Florence Dussault
Nancy Curran
Nancy Kristiansen
Nancy Pagurko
Nancy Terison
In memory of Sr. M. Consuela White
Nancy Terison
Neal Workman
Nelda Booker
Nina Eduljee
Oliver Thompson
I give because I hope I will be a future Monk someday!
Pamela Southam
Pamela Thompson
Pat Gould
A visit to campus makes you realize how important the college has been to my professional accomplishments and life-long friendships and emphasizes why continuing support to St. Joe's is both meaningful and necessary.
Pat Gould
Pat Regan
Patricia A. Greene
Patricia Mooney
Patricia Schlegel
Patricia Wallace
Helen McFarland Polito a loyal graduate
Patricia Zackular
Paula Tamm
Peter Geiger
Peter Yochum
Philip Yauch
Phyllis Irvin
Priscilla Davis
Priscilla and David Caza
Quentin Magnell
RIO Education
Happy to support a great customer
In honor of Patrick, Shea and Mackenzie Woodard
Rachel Gardella
Rachel Katyl
In honor of my amazing colleagues!
Honored to be part of the Institutional Advancement team at SJC and excited for our best Giving Day yet!
Rachel Roy
Rae Sanders
Randy Brodeur
Randy Prouty
Randy and Debbie Moore
We give because we love that SJC is part of our Standish/Windham community and want to support all the wonderful students who call SJC home!
Raymond Brown
In honor of George Warren
Greater love for SJC hath no person than George Warren. (His wife is pretty darn special, too!).
Regina Pilatti
Regina Smick-Attisano
In honor of Class of 2020 especially Dr. MaryClaire Attisano
Here's to the Class of 2020 who never experienced their graduation from SJC.
Reis Hagerman
Rene Mathieu
Rev, Albert Colpitts
Rev. Benjamin Roberts
Rev. Jean Marchant
Richard Kiley
In honor of Gene Kiley III
Doug Kiley is relentless. And we love him.
Richard Ruane
Richard Vslente
In honor of Judith Hancock, Biology
Excellent foundation for my future...loved the small class size and wonderful trachers
Richard Whitmore
In honor of Katie Whitmore
Riley Bell
Rita Miller
Rob Poissant
St. Joseph College is Catholic and the Faith we profess is lived in a community
Robert Clifford
Robert Lenihan
Robert Zilg
Robert Zilg
Roger and Joyce (Kapalko) Carroll
Roland Tufts
Ronald & Christine Wasielewski
Ronald Woodard
Ronna Nazarini
Rosalind Messineo
Russell Podgorski
Ruth Matter
Sandra Bowen
Sandra Krutz
Sandra Ricker
Sandra Sefton
Sandra Therriault
Sarah (McNamee) Pfiester
Sarah McEachin
our students make a difference!
Sarah Nelson
Seabee Electric
Sharon Capps
Sharon Garrett
Sharon Koob
Sharon Lilley
Shawn Sheehan
So proud of our amazing students.
Shiela Sheehan
The students of SJC are the best and I want them to be the best 😀
Simon Gonzalez
Sophia Viger
Spencer Nagi
Sr, Mary Morey, RSM
Sr, Mary Quinn, RSM
Sr. Carol LeTourneau, RSM
Sr. Ellen Turner, RSM
Sr. Ellen Turner, RSM
Sr. Ellen Turner, RSM '69
Sr. Janet Campbell, RSM
Sr. Margaret Coyne, RSM
Sr. Maria Ricci, RSM
Sr. Marilyn Sunderman
In honor of In gratitude to all who live out the Mercy mission at SJC so wonderfully well!
Sr. Mary Fasulo
Sr. Mary George O'Toole, RSM
Sr. Mary Morey, RSM
Sr. Mary Quinn
Sr. Maureen Wallace RSM
I love St. Joe’s! Great education that gave me a strong foundation for Fordham graduate program.
Sr. Miriam Callnan, RSM
Sr. Patricia Pora, RSM
Sr. Priscilla Murray
Stefania Strzalkowska
Stephanie Briggs
Stephanie Feyler
Go Monks!!
Stephanie Porciello
I love Sister Mary George!
Stephen Mohr
Steven & Maria Painchaud
Steven Bridge
I love SJC!
Susan Bonner Dearborn
In memory of Sr. Mary Jude Murray
Susan Eibel
Susan Jamison
Susan MacKay
Susan McAuliffe
SJC has been a blessing in my life.
Susan Weng
Suzanna Barrett
Love the caring community!
Tara Navick
Tara Travers
Tatyanna Seredin
The Bison Herd
Our students matter.
The Estate of Edward J. Kirk, Sr.
The Parkrow Charitable Trust
Theda Logan
In memory of John Logan, my husband who died in 2012…..gone but never forgotten.
Thomas & Diane McDermott
Thomas Driscoll
Thomas Fesler
Thomas Hall
Because Saint Joseph's College of Maine is an excellent school, and my son is very happy with the education he has received there!
Thomas Judge
Thomas Rabbitt
In memory of Virgil Rabbitt (Son)
Thomas Roche
I Love my St Joe's community
Tiffany Mears
Timothy Bailey
Tonya Carlton
Troy Hendricks
Of our amazing students, faculty, and staff!! GO MONKS!
Troy Hendricks
I give because I believe in the amazing community we have here on the shores of Sebago Lake. I want to ensure that current and future students can find successful during and even after their time here at SJC! Once a Monk Always a Monk!
Valerie Romero
I give because I am proud to be a part of the SJC Community. RAs are an integral part of our community. I see you!
Vanessa Cassidy
Victor Petzy
Victoria Bernier
I give to continue to support this community of dedicated, passionate, and caring students, staff, and faculty. Go Monks!
Vilean Taggersell
Virginia Gengler
Weiss Family Foundation
William & Bonnie Stoloski
William Gordon
Let's Go SJC !!
Winifred McMorrow
Zinnia White
SJC provided a great college experience! I had 2 great Summer accelerated experiences in 2916 and 2017! Absolutely great instructors/ Professors! Thank You
Cheryl michael
Gus ford
Joanne Bean
In honor of In honor of the Sisters of Mercy and talented Advancement Team
Julie flynn
Lynn downie
In memory of 1SG Ernest Utt
Mary mulrow
Thank you St. Joseph's 1980 was the best
Nga Goodahl
Nga Goodahl
Peter carroll
I want to donate on behalf of my late wife Judith M. Barone Carroll class of 1980 who cherished Saint Josephs.
Susan healy
I give because everyone deserves a chance at a good education
I learned so much.
I give because SJC is a special place filled with special people!
I give because I love SJC! Go MONKS!
Go Monks!
Maines only beautiful, Catholic, private College on Sebago Lake
We believe in the St. Joseph's College and what it offers and represents.
I give in honor of Coach Tom Dann and Coach Mike Burleson!!
I give because SJC is SO close to it's Giving Day goal!!! Congratulations!
Go Monks

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Saint Joseph’s College of Maine
Attn: Office of Institutional Advancement, 278 Whites Bridge Rd, Standish, ME 04084
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