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Notre Dame Preparatory School

Pontiac, MI

Irish Day of Giving

Show your Irish Heart and Notre Dame Soul!

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Abby Gumma
Airyana Sherman
Al Guest
Alanna Benway
Alex & Linda Boosalis
In honor of Miss DiNardo
Who is a wonderful teacher for our daughter and her entire first grade class.
Alex Ruschak
Alex and Elizabeth Ramos
Alyssa Esseily
Amy Francis
Anastacia Wachowiak
Ancuta Matei
Keep up the amazing work
Andisheh Hamze
Andre and Anna Palardy
Andrew Guest
In memory of Bob Brzustewicz
Keep up the good work!
Angela Rix-Renne
Proud and blessed to support Notre Dame Preparatory!
Ann Velez
Go Irish!
Ann and Edward Schulte
Anthony Palazzolo
Anto and Lovely Simon
Arlene Vallad
Audrey Karagosian
Barb Brzustewicz
In memory of Robert and Jeffrey Brzustewicz
Benjamin & Sarah Krater
Beth Surowiec
Bon Repos! Bon Repos!
Br. Louis Plourde
Bree Blakeslee
Brendan Fortinberry
In memory of Bev Williams
Brent Bassett
Go Cerdon!
Brian Binkowski
Everyone deserves a chance at receiving a high quality education. I received aid while attending Regina in the 1990’s and now want to pass it forward.
Brooke Patrico
Bryan Hufstedler
Carlene Bischoff
In memory of Jerome "Zeke" Morris
Carol Ciesliga
In honor of Lucy Milback
How do you solve a problem like MARIA?
Carol Jesena
Carolina Apostolopoulos
Carolyn Ciesla
Carrie Schochet
Catherine Kosin
Catherine Noble
In honor of the wonderful teachers
Catherine Spevetz
Catherine Stark
In memory of Paul Seehaver
Chad and Ashley Clark
Charles Hynous
Charles Stuart
Christine Forester
In honor of Jeffrey Forester
Thank you to everyone in the Notre Dame Family that have provided so much love and support to Thomas and me as we navigate life following the loss of Jeff. We are truly blessed to be part of the Notre Dame family.
Christine Walker
Christine Walsh
In memory of Mary Medley
We have had a great first year at NDP and look forward to many more!
Christopher and Kimberly Jones
Claudia Heuer
Great school!
Colleen & Tim Delaney
Corina Clem
In memory of Lola
Craig Urban
In memory of John Urban ND'66
Crystal Consiglio
Thank you to every Teacher, Staff Member, The Administrators and all of the Wonderful Families who make Notre Dame the BEST!!!
Dan & Amy Lai
In honor of Gianna Biondo (1st grade);Carolyn McCloskey (PreK-3)
The lower school teachers continue to be shining role models of the school's mission. We couldn't be happier!
Danielle Iafrate
Dave Bologna
David Ma
David and Diana Wagner
David and Johanna Byrd
Deanne Seifert
Deb and Aaron Silver
In honor of Jim Sesi
Go Irish!
Deborah Byrd
Debra Nicholson
Denada Vokopola
Denise and Juan Carlos Fernandez
Dennis Bonucchi
I wanted to thank the faculty at NDHS for my exceptional education. I also want to thank Notre Dame Prep, and everyone connected with the upcoming musical, Alyce, for the wonderful opportunity to be part of the NDP Alumni Players 2024.
Dennis Gmerek
Diane Dorantes
Notre Dame Prep and Marist Academy are like family to me. Absolutely love everyone and everything there.
Diego Betancourt
Dom & Danielle Lester
Don Polsinelli
In honor of Alaina Polsinelli
Don and Helen Hillman
In memory of Helen Anstead
Dr. Kevin Carter
Dr. and Mrs. David Allard
In honor of With gratitude to all of the faculty, staff and religious who helped to form our daughters.
Drs Joseph Skoney and A Luisa Di Lorenzo
Drs. David Knesek and Michelle Legacy
The Knesek Family
Eden Konja
Edziu Lis
Elizabeth Allard
In honor of Heidi Newby
Thanks for everything, NDP!
Elizabeth Crosson
Go Irish!!
Elizabeth Crosson
Go Irish!
Elizabeth Kenny
Elizabeth Zavolta
Ellie Peters
go seniors
Emily Smith
Eric Griesmer
Erik Kafarski
Erika Kindlimann
Erin Delaney
Esseily Family
Felipe Sanchez-Flores
Felix & Lanisha Felder
Franchot Rudder
Happy to donate to my grandsons, exceptional school.
Franci Atcho
Francine Moriguchi
Frank Migliazzo
Gabriel and Joana Pencu
Gabrielle Phillips
Gayle & Jerry Mineweaser
Gayle & Jerry Mineweaser
Gerard and Kerry Surmann
Gil Merciez
Gilda Wachowiak
In memory of David Wachowiak and Exzaida Lapastora
Gjeke & Katrina Palushaj
Grace Trulik
Thanks for the memories! Go Seniors!
Graden Grech
Hanna Gappy
Hannah Genord
Henry Bender
Henry Guthard
In honor of Christine M.G. Stanczak
Holly Weckler
In honor of Russ Cannon
I'm happy to give back to NDP, especially because of teachers like Mr. Cannon—his dedication went above and beyond. We still keep in touch, and it's made a huge difference as I have gone through major events in my life. This year, I'm all in to support the JUNIORS for Irish Day of Giving, and I'm rooting for them to beat the Seniors in the Irish Games next week!
Holly and Achim Quandt
Thank You Notre Dame staff!
Holly and Steve Powell
Irena Zalewska
Isabella Vecchio
In honor of Isabella Vecchio
Jack Wecowski
Jacob Pattah- Uncle
Keep up the great work Adaline and Noah,, we are so proud of you!
Jacob Wade
Jacqueline Evola
James Carron
In memory of Maureen E. Carron
Grandmother to Hannah DeVuyst, NDP26
James Snodgrass
In memory of Fr. Robert E. Champagne, S.M.
James Stano
James Walker
Janean McCormick
Jason and Mihaela Batke
Jeff Bluhm
Jeff Smith
In memory of Barry Wilson PC'78
Jeff and Amy Linenfelser
Jeffrey Bidigare
Jeffrey Guo
Go Irish!!
Jeffrey Plonski
Jen Eischeid
Jen Wiater
Jennifer & John Valentine
Jennifer Caruso
Jennifer Casteel
Jennifer Kenny
Jennifer Lauhoff
Jennifer and Ken VanNorwick
Jeremy & Melissa Garrett
Jessica Pattah
Jessica Pattah- Aunt
Jessica Pattah- Aunt
Adaline and Noah Pattahs aunt
Jill & Bob Lanham
On behalf of the tremendous teachers that have provided my boys a fantastic education!
Jim Sesi
Jim Sesi
In Honor of Matt Rzepecki!
Jim and Cheryl Garneau
Jim and Mary Lou Powers
Joan Kopytek
Joanne and Joe Love
In honor of Our granddaughter, Audrey Love
Audrey loves Notre Dame Prep. We are so proud of her.
Jodee Bowness
Jody Williquette
Joe & Christine Powers
Joe and Eileen Fandino
Joel and La Sharin Samuels
John Castellana
John Sicklesteel
John and Marianne Parthum
John& Dee Ciszewski
5 daughters received an awesome education!
Jonathon Hofley
Jonathon and Riven Pattah
A remarkable school that offers our family community, values, and a rigorous education. Thank you NDP.
Joseph Love
Joshua Trulik
Grateful to NDP for preparing me spiritually and academically for college.
Joy Quick-Burhans
In memory of David Burhans
Judy Evola
Judy Manczuk
Justen Grech
My son Graden loves it there and so do my wife and I!
Katarzyna Stojadinovic
Katherine Urek
Kathleen Conroy
Kathlynn Caffrey
Kathryn Stetson
Kathy Bembas
In honor of Fr. Jim Strasz, s.m.
Kathy Casteel
In honor of In honor of my granddaughters Natalie, Alyssa and Madison Esseily. They absolutely love NDP and all of their teachers!
Keith McLean
Kelly & Bob Patterson
I love Notre Dame Prep - it's my second home!
Kelly Bickes
In honor of Julie Springer
Kelly Konieczny
Kelly Konieczny
Kelly Sermo
Ken and Karen Sucher
In honor of Kevin Sucher NDP'01, Kate Sucher Coogan NDP'03, Kyle Sucher NDP'06
Kenneth and Deborah Ritzema
Kenni El-Amin
Kent Huyser
Kevin Carlisle
Kevin Carter Jr
Kevin Klott
In memory of Cynthia Frankowski
Miss you mom, thanks for helping my son with a Notre Dame Education
Kevin Nunning
Kevin and Beth Nunning
Kevin and Ginny Wisely
In honor of Frank Woods
Kim Wolfe
Kimberley Teolis
Kimberly Anderson
Our family is proud to be part of the NDP IRISH family!
Kimberly Kriesel
In honor of The fantastic teachers at NDP
Special thank you to those who are instrumental in guiding Liam and Helena’s educational and faith journey.
Kimberly Randall
Proud to be Irish!
Kristen Mccue
Kristine & Dan Ma
Kristopher Powell
Notre Dame HS and Notre Dame Prep have been a proud family tradition for two generations. Both schools have had a profound impact on our lives.
Kurt and Mary Nadolski
Kurt and Shauna Haras
Go Irish!
Laura Bahri
Laura Carter
In honor of The NDP VEX VRC Robotics program!!
I give where I see results and NDP is using our donations for school improvements and student life. They’ve upgraded our security system and services, improved curriculum, and our cafeteria service just to name a few. I give where I see results. You should too. Our kids, teachers, and the NDP community are 100% worth it.
Laura Connelly
Laura Frost
With much gratitude to the faculty!
Lauren (Lebioda) Plantrich
Lauren Czechowski-Farnum
Loved my education.
Laurette and Alex Alkidas
In memory of David Bembas and Michael Kotzan
Leigh Martin
Linda Dorazio
Lisa Dedvukaj
Lisa Hunter
Loreta & Fabian Fregoli
Louise W Lorenz
Lourin Chahin
Thank you for all the hard work and dedication!
MJ Peters
Madeline Aberle (Allard)
In honor of Mrs. Sagert
Madison Esseily
Mansour Asmar
Mansour asmar
Margaret Allard
In honor of Mrs. Glick
Margie Bond
Maria Mijac
Maria Thomas
Our NDP experience has been one of opportunities for Quinn. Most importantly, we thank the school for keeping focus on growing her into a Christian adult. Go Irish!
Maria Vulaj
Mark Ibrahim
great school
Mark Zuby
In memory of Patricia Zuby
Mary Allard
In honor of Mrs. Mulrenin
Mary Beth Adderley
Mary Beth Adderley
Mary Lewis
Mary Wade
Matt & Melissa Burtraw
Matt Rick
In honor of Joe Dunn
Keeping the Irish spirit alive!
Matt Rzepecki
Matthew & Cristina Dekutoski
Matthew & Kristen Fox
Matthew Donley
Matthew Hollis
Matthew Kafarski
Matthew Swazer
Maureen Radulski
Thank you to all of the fantastic teachers and administrators who have had such a positive impact on our family.
McLeod Family
Megan & Charles Carson
Megan Rochon
Melanie Thummel
Melissa Zink
Meredith scott
Michael Flannery
In honor of Edward and Agnes Flannery
Michael Mayra
It's a great schoo for our grandkids
Michael Orrico
Michele Connolly
I appreciate the education my son received both academic and spiritual. After seeing the craziness of the past 4yrs, I have appreciated the foundation NDP gave my son.
Michele Rogers
Michelle Fitzpatrick
Mike & Rina Reid
Mira Caraj
Monica Roca
Nash Khami
In honor of Nohad Taranski
Her courage and love
Natalie Esseily
Nazek Gappy
Neubauer Family
Nicole McDowell
In honor of Joseph Aloi
Supporting a great cause!
Nina Kelly
Paolo Fregoli
Paul & Laurel Ostin
Paul Frost
Paul Kuntzler
In memory of Dennis Wrynn ND'60
Paul and Ann Tyler
Paul and Ann Tyler
Pauline Kersuzan
Go Lil' Sem!!!
Pete and Maureen Basile
Phil and Amy Patterson
Philip and Mattie Phillips
Notre Dame has provided our children a wonderful education and environment in which to thrive. We love the outstanding Christian scholars that our children have become. Thank you Notre Dame.
Polsinelli Chris
In memory of Barbara Polsinelli
Preet Gill
Raquel Rudder
Rebecca Boyer
Rev Leon Olszamowski
In honor of Norm Kotarski
What a great school. Glad to be part of it
Rich Corteville
Rich Mayrend
We LOVE Notre Dame!! Class of 2030 rocks!!
Richard Bosler
Richard Semenik
In memory of Conrad Vashon
Richard Velez
Richard and Maria Salloum
In honor of Glenn Salloum ND'81
Rick Gianino
Riegel Family
Riegel Family
In honor of Mrs Bero
She’s a great teacher
Rimson Estifou
Adaline and Noah Pattah uncle
Rita Putrus
Rob and Suzanne Huth
Robert Houck
In memory of Shirley A. Houck
Robert Ottoy
Robert Welliver
In honor of Fr Leo Gallant
Robert Williams
Roberto and Helena Nardocci
Important to support so that the school continues to provide excellent education for the entire NDPMA community.
Ron Wagoner
In memory of Joane and Celine Wagoner
Rosanne Skonieczny
Rosina Thom
We love our community!
Ruba Kado
Rubin Gappy
It’s a great school. My niece is a freshman there and we are so pleased with the school and staff.
Russ and Joanna Cannon
Ryan Williams
The school is dedicated to the highest level of values and education. It's my honor to donate to their cause
Samuel Phillips
In memory of Dr Preston Phillips (Uncle)
Uncle Preston was a wonderful man who always supported students by donating to multiple schools. I want to one day be able to support students just like he did.
Sandra Encinas
Sara Kelly
Scott & Brenda Bicknell
In honor of Kelly Bicknell
Scott & Cindy Hannah
Scott Picklo
Scott Thomas
Sean & Amal Tominna
Sergio and Kelly Gasperoni
Sible Chacko
Stacy Swick
Stephanie Dimovski
Stephanie Huffmaster
Stephanie Huffmaster
Stephanie Nester
Stephanie and Tony Bedricky
Stephen Mikel
Steve and Kristin Ruschak
Steven Carter
In honor of My robotics team 3333T
I’m donating so that CERDON wins!!
Steven Lai
In memory of Harry K.L. Lai and Rella Loporto
Steven Powell
We love ND Prep and Middle School!
Stolzenfeld Family Foundation
We love the school & want to foster opportunities for others to come to the community!
Taara Donley
Tadd Klimmek
Tassoni Family - Michael Tassoni Class of 2039
Teresa St Andre
Tessa Walker
The LeFaivre Family
The Pie-er
In honor of The Pie Fund
Theresa Meganck
Therese Allard
Thank you for such an amazing high school experience!
Thomas Cousins
Thomas Durkin
Thomas Manney
Thomas and Elizabeth Vanhecke
Tiffany Nguyen
In honor of Geralyn Nguyen
Go Irish!
Tiffany Rose
In memory of Carl Rose
We would like to express our gratitude to the wonderful community of Notre Dame Prep.The support and love from this group that surrounded our family after the sudden loss of our husband/ father was amazing and so comforting. We are forever grateful.
Timothy Cummins
In honor of Coach Conrad Vachon
Timothy Keenan
Timothy Knapman
Todd Roeser
Tom and Lesia Fodell
In honor of Patrick Fodell NDP'14 and Stephanie Fodell Witcher NDP'12
Tricia Trulik
Vasken and Sara Artinian
In honor of the teachers and staff at Notre Dame Prep
Vera Dabish
Vito and Nicole Rocco
Viviana Lopez
Walter Jamil
Wendy Rossmiller
In honor of NDP Faculty and Staff
Whitney Lorenz
Willam Holland
In honor of Kirby Smith
William and Shirley Phillips
Yaroch Jocelynn
Because our kids deserve the best and our teachers are amazing!! GO IRISH 🍀
Zach & Luke Mylenek
Anthony joslin
Fred boehle
A proud grandparent
Laurie keoleian
We love NDP!!!!
Paul tyler
Richard bertrand
In honor of John Block
We are very impressed with our grandchildren’s education on every level .
In honor of Diego Betancourt
Keep the good work
Will never forget the amazing experience and teachers I had!!!
Excellent school
My daughter went to school there

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