Celebrate Prep's Past, Present, and Future!
Make a gift that is meaningful to YOU!
Alumni Scholarship Fund
$55,284.60 raised of $90,000 goal
Alumni, help us raise $90,000 for need-based financial assistance in honor of Prep's 90th anniversary.
Prep's Greatest Need
$1,306,267.60 raised
Gifts to this fund are unrestricted and enable Prep to respond to issues and opportunities as they arise. Tuition only...
Restricted Funds
Need-Based Financial Assistance
$58,007.76 raised
Gifts to this fund help to ensure that no barrier — financial or otherwise — stands between a qualified student and a...
Art Programs
$48,124 raised
Direct your gift to support our growing arts programs, including visual, media, or performing arts.
Athletic Programs
$49,395 raised
Go Wolves! Your gift will support our teams and athletic programs.
Specific Fund
$241,745 raised
Support a family endowment or restricted fund.
Campaign ended Saturday, July 1st, 2023, 2:59 am EDT
Supporters across the USA
Supporters across the World
Supporters (1,169)
All (1,169)
Abby and Thomas White
Abel Fuentes
Adam Aberman
In honor of Peter Bachmann
Adriana and John Wong '85
Adrienne Alitowski and Gary Marion
Agnes and Tom Gilbert
Ailin Chiao and Jamson Siou
Al Hales
Alan Gould
Alana Weiss
Alden Mosshammer
Alex Blecksmith
Alex Chagoyen
Thank you Prep faculty and staff for preparing me for the future! Keep up the good work!
Alex Christian
In honor of JP Blecksmith
Alex Chu
Alexander Payne
Alexandra Wolter
Alexis Ryan Riley
Alfred Yi
Alice & Adiel Vasquez
Alice Derkevorkian and Nir Eitan
Alice Park
Alice and David Yun
Alicia and Chell Benn
Alison and Kimo McCormick
Allen Sung
Allen and Emilie Lanstra
Allesandra Baiana and Andrea Montagna
Allex Macormick Marx and Jason Marx
Allison Kawamoto and Anthony Howard
Allison Maginn
Allison Triarsi Lewis '91 and Stephen Lewis
Allison and Brian Callaway
Allison and Jeff Carmack
Ally Graves
Allyson and Bradley Sakai
Amanda Lem
Amandeep Sahota and Sanjeet Dadwal
Amber Sturdivant and Ruben Davila
Amber and Adam Ward
Aminah and Russell White
Amy McClune and Paul Iannicelli
Amy Moran Compton
Amy Thomas Piccioli
Andrea Cardenas
Andrea and Dave Grable
Andrea and Jason Shin
Andres Alamillo
Andrew Krystkowiak
Andrew Williams
Andy Brisbois
Andy Ewing
Anhthony Acker
Ani Aghajani
Ani and John Kedeshian
Anina Minotto
Anita Handojo and Handy Hioe
Anjali Bonfante
Ann Vradenburg
Ann-Marie and Charlie Weinstein
Anne and Patrick Au
Annette Langer-Gould and Michael Gould
Annie Zaro
Anshu Abhat
Antonio Ramirez
Antony Acker
April and Daniel Davila
Arcelia and Russ Clementson
Archana Sudamalla and Kartik Sundram
Ari Brattkus
Arlene Mooradian Zenian
Arlene Yang and Walt Weiss
Armen Aghajani
In memory of Bruce Allen
Armine Ishtoyan and Alen Gharibian
Arnold Mooradian
Art Kawaguchi
Ashlee and Eric Koston
Ashley Marmaro
Ashley Smith
Ashley Woods
Ashley and JJ Gish
Athena Pham
Austin Hough
Austin Reed
Austin Roy
Ava Bise and Kevin Flynn
B.J. Hoeptner Evans
Barbara Banks
Barbara and Gerald Bowns
Barbara and Lew Weinstein
In memory of Scott Studenmund on the occasion of his 34th birthday.
Barbara and Peter Fuad
Barrett Weiss
Beau Detchemendy
Becky and Tony Gama-Lobo
Ben Grable
Ben Jackson
Ben Lee
Ben Naecker
Benjamin Teitelbaum
Bennett Oakes
Beth and Eric Bax
Beth and Pat Pattinelli
Beth and Rob Hansen '80
Betsy and David Thompson
Bettina and Michael Rosenfeld
Betty and Hazim Rabadi
Beverly and Dick Slocum
Bijan Karimi
Biliana Popova
Bill Bollinger
Bill Detoy
Bill Monning
Bill Williams
Billy Ku
Bing Li and Haibin Wang
Bob Beckerlegge
Bob Lamson
In honor of Doane Lowery
Brad Bachtel
Brad Craig
Brenda & Roy Brisbois
Brenda Diaz
Brenda Magdaleno
Brenda and Roy Brisbois
Brent Tufeld
Brett Barnard
Brian Battaglia
In honor of Matt Wells '88
Brian Jones
Brian McDermott
Brian Tufeld
Britney Hardie
Because Prep was my home away from home for six years and some of my favorite people in the world are Rebels, I mean Wolves.
Britt Wilson
Brooke Harmon
Brooke Porter
Brooke Sinclair Damerel
Brooke Yoshino
Bruce Murdy
Bryan Otake
Bryan Trussell
Bryan Young
Bryce Lew
C.I. Shelton
Cady and Carson Cheng
Cameron Yamaguchi
Camilla Bird Hartman
Candace and Eric McMullin
Cara Gardner Bates
Cara Hirsch and Andy Robbins
Cari and Rob Banning '81
Carina and Stephen Walker
Carol Chen and Harry Tsao
Carol Kasper and Howard Winet
Carol Polanskey and Martin Ratliff
Carol and Bud Tufeld
Carol and Cyrus Luk
Carole and Mark Boyles
Carolina Lugo
Caroline Liu and Michael Zhao
Caroline and Dennis Fong
Carolyn and Don Berger
Carrie Ting
In honor of Taylor Walker and Greg Mehdi
Carrie and Kevin Martin
Carson Brummett
Caryn and Ralph Hofer
Casey Mangan
Cassidy Jung
Catherine Chan and Peter Lee
Catherine and Patrick Smith
Cathy Chang and William Chen
Cec Serrano-McLaughlin
Cec Serrano-McLaughlin
Go Wolves...but always a Rebel...
Celeste McMillin
Chan Myers
Chanel and Ioakim Boutakidis
Chantal and Stephen Bennett
Charis Alzona-Hsu and Joe Hsu
Charisse and Rob Tolleson
Charles Haake
Charley McLean
Charlie McCormick
Charlie Stott
Cheryl Johnson and Marc Marmaro
Chindy and Tim Yoon
Chris Hughes
Chris Linick
Chris Murphy
Chris and Jennifer O’Malley
Chris and Nate Sugimoto
Christel and Sean Beattie
Christian Newth
In memory of Nick Dobbe
Christie and Ben Garrett
Christina and Thomas Acker
Christine Armenian
Christine Brown Desjarlais and John Desjarlais
Christine Hassay
Christine Holland
Christine Steenken Allen
Christine Tarr
Christine Wang
Christine and Andrew Son
Christine and Craig Delgado
Christopher & Mary Cole
Christy Taylor and Michael Aguilera
Christy Taylor-Coon and Ken Coon
Christy and Greg Billock
Christy and Jason Scoggins
Chuck Allen
Cindy and Mark Rude
Claire Kinder
Claire La Polt
Claire and Bill Bogaard
Cloe and Joseph Jang
Coleen Novak and Dan Garnett
Colleen Bissner
Connie Casillas and Rudy Ruiz
Connie Chang and David Chao
Connie and Lucio Kim
Conrad Oakes
Craig Franzen
Cristin O'Callahan and Mark Krause
Cristina Perez Gonzalez
Cristina Perez Gonzalez '86 and Chris Gonzalez
Cristina and Christopher Romero
Crystal Cook Reeck
Cyndi Fox and James Bonaccorso
Cyndi Kim Cho and John Cho
Cynthia & Dan Jordan
Cynthia Rowand and Jason Ralph
Cynthia Vergon
Cynthia and Gregory Yu
Cynthia and Todd Mansbridge
Daisy Gao and Rick Chi
Dan Bejmuk
Dana Valentino
Daniel Erdody
Daniel Madore
Daniel McLaughlin
Danielle Barr Perrigue '92
Danny Jimenez
Danté Carr
Daphne Beneke
Daria Yudacufski and Mark Sogomian
Dave Bogen
Dave Stuerwald
David & Fran Wheatley
David Chagoyen Neumann
David Choi
In honor of Irwin Russo
David English
David Fuad
In memory of Nick Dobbe
David Herman
David House Medina
David Naismith
Dawn Wagner
DeAndre and Annie Bradford
Deanna Hammerli
Deanna Watson Noble
Deanna and Gene Detchemendy
Debbie and Chris Chen
Debbie and Wesley Beverlin
Deborah and Eric Leung
Deena and Artin Ghazarian
Dena Martin
Denise Altemus-Barden
Denise and Joe White
Denise and Scott Brady
Denise and Todd Walklett
Dennis Flynn
Derrek Ransford
Because the school is rad!!
Desmond Weisenberg
Dhari and Dan Thein
Diana Johnstone Childers
Diana Wong and Jonathan David
Diana and Robert Walker
Diane Coates
Diane Pedersen
Diane Prins and Kevin Sheldahl
Diane Reyes and Kenny Pawlek
Diane and Felix Orona
Diane and Leland Wong
Dick Helffrich
Dick Huff
Dimple Bhasin and Ben Pradhan
Dohee Kim and Ryan Morrell
Don Corvin
Don Jue
Don Paxton
Don Pearson
Don Scaramastra
Donna Lee Ralph
Donna Wittlin
Donna and Kenny Merchant
Dorelli and Luis Gorocica
Dori and Matthew Mukherjee
Dorothy and Richard Reyes
Dorrie and Phil LaMarr
Doug Raitt
Douglas Bissell
Drew Prickett
Dylan Coon
Dylan Mealey
Dylan Yamamoto
Dyllan Fernandez
Ed Bulmahn
Ed Fountain
Ed Pak
Eddie Terzian
Edie and Yosufi Tyebkhan
Edward Ashton
Edward Pearson
Eileen and Bob O'Leary
Elisabeth and John King
Elizabeth Argier
Elizabeth Haims
Elizabeth Hardt
Elizabeth Miller-Bougdanos and Gene Bougdanos
Elizabeth Nesbitt and Dimitris Klapsis
Elizabeth Thornton Patterson
Elizabeth and Andy Walters
Elizabeth and Wendell Vaughn
Ellen Cheng and James Wu
Ellen Choi
Ellen White
Elsa Mann
Ely Shie and Morgan King
Eman Kamel and Michael Habashy
Emilie and Allen Lanstra
Emily Baines Balliet
Emily DesHotel
Emily Eyraud O'Toole
Emily Law
Emily Parry
Emily Steenwyk
Emmalynn N. Alfaro
Eric Ahn
Eric Baumgarten
Eric Cotte
Eric Hallett
Eric Kleinsasser
Eric Pearson
Erica Sprague
Erica and Ben Lee
Erika and Jeff McConnell
Erin David
Erin Goodwin
Erin Kaneko
Erin and Mike Maloney
Ethan Moutes
Ethan Street
Eugenia Sangiovanni
Eun Hwa Kim and Pilsoo Oh
Eva and Raymond Wong
Evelyn Kaufman
Fadia and Najeeb Khoury '95
Fang Liao and Bing Hou
Fay and Ray Zhong
Felicia Bahadosingh
Felina and Daniel Mahoney
Fernando Gavia
Fletcher Barratt
Frances Morrison
Frances and David Morrison
Frances and Don Sumner
Frances and Simon Coombes
Francesca Puggelli and Gianfranco Cordara
Frank Olson '60
Frederick Fung
Gabi and Bob Sacks
Gail and Jim Ellis
Galen Young
Gareth Weiss
Garrett Ohara
Gary Goodman
Gary Manildi
Gayle Chauvin Wells and Mark Wells '60
Gayle and John Ball
Genny Cook Lewis
Geoff Smith
Geoffry Fry
George Kirschbaum
George MacPherson
Georgia Yamamoto
Germaine Harvey
Ghazaleh Hejri
Gillian and Niles Pierce
Gina Crissman
Gina Peters
Glenn Leisure
Gloria Herrera-Iturbe and Fran Iturbe
Gloria White
Grace Chung-Ng and Angel Ng
Grace Lee
Grace Li and George Liu
Grace Lim Premvaree
Grace Oh and Sidney Sohn
Grace Qing
Grace Sohn
Grace Wen and John Wang
Grace Whang-Kim and Young Kim
Grace and Robert Lee
Grady Willard
Graham Smith
Greg Belzer
Greg Tan
Gretchen Notley
Hana Oh
Hanna Kang Lim '98 and Mark Lim '97
Hannah Warde
Haregewein Getachew and Fasika Tamirat
Harout Dermendjian
Heba Allen
Heidi Heckendorf Anderson
Helen Munro-Uziel
Helen Shyn
Hilary Thomas
Hongmei Wang
Hope Mastras
In honor of Dennis Brandon and Matt Wells
Hugo Torres
Igor Fineman
InAe and Byung Choi
Inga Hallgrímsdóttir and Lior Pachter
Ingrid Herskind
Ingrid and Paul Kuo
Io Hawk and Rico Sablan
Irmgard and Vlad Dan
Isaac Shure
Isaac Yamamoto
Isabella Bonfante
Isabella Lores-Chavez
Isabella Weiss
J.D. Papanikolas
Jack Cartwright
Jack McLaughlin
Jackie Kiang
Jackie Manning
Jackie Szmuszkovicz and Ed Brunngraber
Jacqueline Epley Tegart
Jae Do and Ramon Cabrera
Jake Taylor
James Choe
James Mears
Jamie Henricks
Jamie Kidwell
Jane and Jerry Marks
Jane and Jerry Wada
Jane and Jon Park
Janelle and Lee Calsyn
Janet Knoeppel
Janet Knutsen-McCann and James McCann
Janet and Matthew Wilson
Janice Ohta and Fred Weiss
Janice Schumacher
Janie and Mark Herzog
Janine Huebner
Jann and John Reardon
Janna and Andrew Philpot
Jasmin Varjavand
In honor of Peter BachmannLove being a part of this amazing community!
Jasmine and Robert Lum
Jason Bunn
Jay Midgley
Jayme and Phillip Chan
Jaynie and Woody Studenmund
Jean Kim and Peter Yoo
Jean and Breck Arrington
Jeanette Woo Chitjian
Jeanie and Terry Kay
Jeanne and Huyen Pham
Jeannette and Bill Bovard
Jeff Bayless
Jeff George
Jeff Hall
Jeff Naecker
Jeff Thompson
Jeffrey Pendo
Jen and Jeff Seaver
Jenise Vargas
Jennet Chow and Mike Chen
Jennie and Greg Peutet
Jennifer Eich and Salvador Fernández
Jennifer Gibbs Bauer
Jennifer Heil Hershfield
Jennifer Jin and Raymond Liao
Jennifer Lee and Marc Jackson
Jennifer O'Neill-Cha
Jennifer and Art Stetson
Jennifer and Bob Baldocchi
Jennifer and Scott Beltz
Jenny Kao
Jenny Seto Garcia
Jenny Soyung Sauk and Andy Mauer
Jenny Wu and Ray Hsiao
Jenny and Daniel Lee
Jeremy West
Jerry Craig
Jess Moxksy
Jesse Redding
Jessica Gray and Bryan Hitchcock
Jessica Mikity Johns
Jessica Sun
Jessica Wehner
Jessica Yu and Mark Salzman
Jessie Ricker
Jill Brown
Jill Marucut
Jill Nemiro
Jill and Brian Dennis
Jill and Richard Fung
Jim Sturgeon
Jim Thompsen
Jim Wegge
Jipan Xie and Lawrence Lai
Jo French
Joan and Patrick McLaughlin
Joanna and Wayne Hartigan
Joanne Tugna Venti and David Venti
Jodie and Dan Hare
Jodie and David Liston
Joe Herron
Joe McCullough
Joe Polwrek
Joe Sturdevant
Joel Ishii
John Covell
John DeGroot
John Henry Kurtz
John McEntyre
John Mothershead
John Pettersson
John Seaver
John Sim
John Sleeter
John Wright
John Yingling
Johnson Wang
Jon and Christopher Haskett
Flintridge Preparatory School is a fantastic school, provides a great and diverse education and growth experience.
Jonathan Wang
Joseph David
Josh Perlman
Joshua Kim
Joshua Kim
Appreciate my Prep Family!
Joyce and Richard Lin
Jude Lee and James Chong
Judith Epley
Judy DeRosa Brooks
Judy H. Murray
Judy and Bob Abeles
Judy and Robert Waller
Julia Hart
Julia Saenz and Robert Pan
Juliana Nocker
Julie Benniardi
Julie Mejia
Julie Sainz
Julie Wertz Chen and Al Chen
Julie Wong & Eugene Tsai
Julie Wong and Eugene Tsai
Julie and Jeff Lin
Julie and Jin Kim
Julie and Ron Bae
Julie and Steve Erdody
Juliette Harrhy and Mike Gunter